So, it’s safe to say that 2020 was not smooth sailing and silver linings were pretty hard to come by!  Having said that, we do have one particular silver lining that we are dying to share with you, our TFE Charity Auction.

As some of you may know, in the run up to Christmas us together with the generosity of some incredible local brands and businesses hosted a charity auction.

Who was it in aid of?  And, who are they?

So, as a women led business, we felt we’d like to focus on a local charity that helps women (this time).  With this in mind, we chose Lilith Wohnen für Frauen.

Lilith is a local women’s charity who provides support and care for homeless and vulnerable women.  They provide a clean and safe living environment with the intention to serve as a stepping stone for women to safely get back on their feet.  Ultimately they facilitate and provide all the necessary tools to help these women achieve independence and stability again.  They provide resources to find suitable counselling and therapy, financial advice and guidance, job search assistance and most importantly a fighting chance.

Often ‘homeless and vulnerable’ conjure up images of drug addicts and women begging on the street corner with nothing than a blanket and used paper coffee cup.  The reality is far more nuanced than that.  Many of the women are like you and me, however circumstances have not been kind and they have fallen on hard times.  Many move from sofa to sofa or bed to bed continuously putting themselves into unsavoury situations and harms way.

To summarise, Lilith Wohnen für Frauen provide women hope and a fighting chance!!

So, how much did we manage to Raise from the TFE Charity Auction?

We are absolutely delighted to say that we raised €1202.  Also, every cent raised from the Auction has gone directly to Lilith!

Last but definitely not least!  Who were our Generous Donors?

Von Kronberg
Charlotte am Main
Albert’s Bird
Nanna Gellar
2nd Home
This is early
Nela & Ella
Tinte Gin
Paola Wechs Pottery
Sense Organics
Dr. Jaglas
Men Limited
Indian Goods Company