Amidst Europaviertel’s bustling streets and modern architecture, a delightful new coffee shop has emerged. And, it promises to be the go-to destination for coffee aficionados, casual caffeine seekers, and those looking for a little community feel. Tim Pauland is the owner and operator of this coffee shop, aptly named “Paul and Tim” as a clever reference to the founder’s name.

The Story Behind Paul and Tim

Every great coffee shop has a story, and Paul and Tim is no exception. Tim Pauland is a passionate coffee enthusiast who always dreamed of running his own coffee shop!  After years of working in the retail sector, learning all he could about what it takes to run a successful and profitable business, he took a leap of faith in October last year!  Taking inspiration from his own name, “Paul and Tim” was born, and Tim’s quintessential coffee experience came to life.  In short, Tim’s quintessential coffee experience is about more than a place or location, it’s about creating a community, a hub, a feeling.

Beyond Coffee: Community and Connection

Above everything, Paul and Tim’s goal is to be a hub for fostering community and connection.  From grabbing your morning caffeine fix “Italian Style” to catching up with friends, holding casual business meetings, or simply unwinding with a good book, this space is for EVERYONE.

And, in keeping with their commitment to fostering community, Paul and Tim’s also plays host to a variety of events and activities. These range from live music nights featuring local talent to interactive coffee, wine, and whiskey-tasting workshops led by our knowledgeable staff. It’s a place where strangers become friends, and every visit is an opportunity to forge new connections.

Coffee the Italian Way

Ever had coffee the Italian way?  To clarify, we mean a quick espresso, which you drink standing at the coffee bar.  Not only is it no mess, no fuss, but a total bargain at 1.50; sure, you might have to have a chat with Tim, but he’s good value too, we promise!

Wine and Whiskey

In addition to coffee, you will find a small selection of wine, beer and spirits to enjoy.  So, as the summer approaches and the sidewalks come alive, stop by for an aperitif.  Best part?  You don’t need to head into the city to have a few drinks with friends.  Also, check out the wine and whiskey tastings at the link below.

Good to know

Europa-Allee 147,
60486 Frankfurt am Main

Monday: 8:30 am – 5 pm
Tuesday:  closed
Wed-Thursday:  8:30 am – 5 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 7 pm
Sat\Sunday: 12 pm – 5 pm

Additional Info:    website | instagram | facebook