Since we’ve started The Frankfurt Edit we have met some amazing people, especially very talented women and one of these women is Iva Batistic, street photographer from Frankfurt. Iva messaged us through instagram asking if we could meet up. She wanted to tell us about her Frankfurt street photography, which is right up our alley. When the three of us met for coffee it was like sparks! Iva was so friendly and warm and super interesting! She told us about her current project, the Frankfurt Street Photography calendar which is awesome and you should definitely get yourself one!!! I have mine hanging in my office and I love it!
Not everyone can capture a cool image of the streets we walk everyday, Burt Iva can. She can take an ordinary everyday life surrounding and turn it into a photo to be sought after. This is something special.
She took some time out to chat with us about her background and her work. Read on to find out more about Iva and her photography and how you can purchase her work.

1. Tell us about yourself. What is your background?
I’m a Croatian gal born and raised in Frankfurt. I’m in my 30’s – well, who are we kidding?? I’m 39 with a degree in languages. I work as a translator and I’m in the making of extending my photography services. Yes, you can book me.
2. When did you start taking photographs?
The first photo I took was during a family vacation at the age of 3 or 4. My dad loves photography and I have taken on that passion. When I was 15, I enrolled in a photo club at school and learned how to develop photos in the dark room. I blocked our bathroom for entire weekends and set up my own little dark room.
3. How would you describe your photography style?
Most of my work ranks among the so-called genre of street photography. My photos are raw and authentic. Clean lines. Sometimes dark. Often black and white, but I have introduced some color after visiting California. I also love photographing people, especially when they are not aware of it. This way you can capture beautiful and real moments.

4. What inspires you when it comes to taking new photos?
There is always something that draws my attention. It might be a person, or a constellation, something funny or the lines of a building. Reflections and shadows are always a magnet for me. I love capturing them as they change with every step you take.
5. Who are your favourite photographers?
I absolutely adore Viviane Meier and Frankfurt-based photographer Barbara Klemm. Both have/had a strong eye and tell beautiful stories. Each of their photos is unique and recognizable. I also admire Anton Corbijn. I fell in love with his work very recently after visiting his exhibition “The Living and the Dead” in Hamburg. I also tremendously enjoy Walker Evans, Garry Winogrand, Annie Leibovitz and many more.
6. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would this be?
Marina Abramovic.
7. You are selling the calendar Frankfurt Streetphotography – where can I buy one?
I’m selling the calendars at several little shops in Bornheim until Valentine’s Day, such as #re-cover, #Meder, #NaumannundEisenbletter, #BuchundWein and #Reining&Werth. You can also order them on my website https://www.iva-photography.com/. I only printed 110 copies of the 2019 edition and there are only a couple more left – you better hurry!

8. Can I buy anything else beside the calendar?
Sure you can! You can buy any photo from my website and Instagram in sizes of up to 30x30cm. FineArt prints, acrylic behind glass – anything your heart desires.
9. Where can I see your art?
I currently have an exhibition at the Markus Krankenhaus in Ginnheim, 3rdfloor. You will find a selection of my work from New York, Paris, Versailles, Amsterdam and Frankfurt. If you’d like a private tour – drop me a line. I’m sure we can arrange something.

10. What is your favourite thing to do in Frankfurt?
I love strolling around the city with my camera, discovering new parts of Frankfurt. Afterwards I treat myself to a tasty almond cappuccino at Café 48.
11. What is your favourite place in Frankfurt?
Café 48! Except for Wednesdays. Holzhausenpark during the summer.
12. What do you wish Frankfurt had? What is missing in Frankfurt?
I wish Frankfurt had a system similar to New York where a certain quota for any cultural event (museums, theaters, concerts, readings…) is reserved for people with lower income. This way, anybody interested can enjoy such events, not depending on the size of one’s wallet.
Also, it would be amazing if Frankfurt hosted TedTalks!
13. Any tips or advice for newcomers to Frankfurt?
Explore the city any chance you get! Frankfurt has so many different neighborhoods to see and stories to tell, combining the old and the new. It is colorful, multicultural and diverse. The famous “Stolpersteine” all around the city are a reminder of the tragic history. You have remnants from Roman times and the beautiful and unique skyline welcoming the world. The art scene is so varied – there’s even an English Theater! Oh, and try Cafe48!
Kelly & Janice, thank you sooo much for having me!! It was a pleasure meeting you.

website: https://www.iva-photography.com/home/
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/limpcassidy79/