Safety! A basic human right! In light of recent events in the UK it made me wonder, what is safety in Frankfurt like?
It’s absolutely devastating that once again it takes an absolute tragedy in order for a serious issue to be address and something to be done. It took Sarah to lose her life in order for anyone to notice. Having said that, let me be clear that this extends far beyond just women’s safety and includes many minority groups who too should never have to fear for their lives whilst walking home at night.
So, safety in Frankfurt (bar a few areas) is not regarded as being an issue for the most part. Saying that, neither are the streets of Clapham. And it really drives the point home when I remember how many nights I walked its streets when living in London.
Now, on a brighter note because in fact this article not supposed to be all doom and gloom (I may have fooled you until now 😂). One thing I have realised, is that humans are generally good. And that a small minority are doing their absolute best to try make differences wherever they can. Let’s all try to stand together and makes those voices heard.
HEIMWEGTELEFON, how it works
Step 1: save +493012074182 on your phone
Step 2: call the number when you are walking home at night on your own
Heimwegtelefon is the most extraordinary service, a ‘hotline’ manned by volunteers who chat to you while walk home ensuring that you get there safely. So, for instance you will mention road names and particular landmarks to allow the operator to know where you are and thus should you disappear they are able to get help sent to your last known location immediately!
Good to note, this is not an emergency number and would be best served as a proactive process. Meaning the number doesn’t just roll off the tongue like 911 and you probably better off saving the number and not reading it once and hoping for the best.
Also, whilst most operators will have some level of English it is not a given. However, do not let this stop you from using the service make note of street names, land marks and learn some basic German (or not) and lets all get home safely!
As I mentioned earlier, people are generally good and I wanted to reiterate that this by saying that I only became aware of this service as a result of one of volunteers. This incredible human is taking time not only to man the phones but also to advocate and spread the word on social platforms so that we all might be safe.
As an English speaker I’m not even sure how I would even accidentally stumble upon this information if it weren’t for her sharing. So thank you Ger…
Taxi home and share your trip
Another way to improve your safety in Frankfurt is ‘share your trip’ in taxi apps. I don’t actually think I’ve ever used it though if I’m honest. I will from now on though.
Anyway, first thing first use an app to book. Second make sure the driver fits the description and picture when using the app. Thirdly, share your trip with someone so that they know where you are and when you get home. Also, friends look out for each other, share trips and follow up to make sure everyone gets home safely.
Personal Safety App’s
Today there are a number of different personal safety apps available on IOS and android. And just as everyone has there preference for how they like their tea and coffee, the same can be said for apps. Having said that, here are two that come highly rated:
- bSafe – Never walk alone:
- probably one of the most comprehensive of the safety app’s.
- Developed by a father/daughter duo after Charlen was raped. The idea was to develop an app that could have prevented the rape and collect evidence should it be required in court.
- There is a free and premium version
- Great app for parents who are worried about their kids when they are out on their own
- One Scream:
- this one is voice or rather scream activated!
- Developed for those instance where you are in a dangerous situation but can’t access your phone. The app detects yours panic scream, identifies your location and sends help
Having said all that, it is also so important to be aware of your surroundings and to know where you going! Familiarise yourself with your route before you head home. Last but not least, understand the public transport and have an alternative route in mind if anything changes!
Self Defence
As a rule, always remember when in trouble kick, scream, claw and bite!

So finally, let’s continue to have safety in Frankfurt not making the headlines! Lets support each other, be informed and proactive and not let the perpetrators have the power! Stay safe everyone!!