Kids Podcasts: limit screen time not your sanity

Limiting kids screen time. Sigh! Oh the negotiation, the fighting,…

Finding an English Speaking Therapist

We all aware that the COVID-19 pandemic has been raging for well over…

5 Inspiring books to kickstart your 2022 New Year

5 Inspiring books to kickstart your 2022 with a bang!!  Truth be…

The reason I’m choosing to vaccinate my kids

As it was announced that Germany approved vaccinations for kids ages…

EMOTIONS, how are they made?

How are you? How many times have we asked this question?…

Adversity in life, 3 Tips to overcoming it with GRACE

Adversity in life, let’s face it, it happens!  “My life is ruined!…

The Expat Brain, does relocation ‘REWIRE’ you?

Let’s talk about relocation and the brain!   During the past 15…

Transformational Coaching Session with Tajda Glazer

THE CONFESSION Before I begin and tell you about my coaching session…

Charity Auction RESULTS: how much did we raise?

So, it’s safe to say that 2020 was not smooth sailing and silver…

THERAPY VS COACHING: Which, When and How?

About two years ago I was having panic attacks on a daily basis.  I…

Charity Auction for Lilith – Wohnen für Frauen

We all need a safe space, and for many of us that space is our homes!…

Investing in your wellbeing, the best investment you will ever make!

Investing in your wellbeing.  Why? The simple answer to that…

Create a basic Home Gym and get exercising

So my ‘home gym’ is one of the things that has been keeping me sane…

Sun Salutations an easy full body work out

Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar in Sanskrit, is a powerful sequence…