Choosing the right school for your child

Choosing the right international school for your child is an incredibly personal choice.  What works for one family is not necessarily what works for the next.  With this in mind, TFE hopes to provide insight and key information to help you decide.

Firstly, Frankfurt has plenty of schools, both international and local schools alike, meaning there is a fair amount of choice.  However, our experience lies more on the International side; thus, this will be our focus.

Secondly, the International Schools in Frankfurt are fairly spread out.  With this in mind, when considering kid’s schools, you will want to consider where you live/want to live.

Thirdly, narrow your choices down to first, second and third choices because the reality is that your child may not get into their first choice.  This can be for a number of reasons, namely the spaces available, academic performance or compatibility.  For these reasons, beginning the application process as soon as possible is a good idea.

International Schools in Frankfurt in Brief

Please be aware that whilst we will mention as many schools as possible to give you the best chance of making an informed decision, this list is not exhaustive.

Frankfurt International School (FIS)

Possibly the first on many people’s radar as it is the biggest international school in Frankfurt.  It offers classes all the way to grade 12.  It is, however, the most pricey of the International options available

Location:  Oberursel (outside of the city, Oberursel Taunus)
Curriculum:  IB (International Baccalaureate)

Metropolitan School Frankfurt

It is smaller than FIS but also offers classes until grade 12. MSF is an international school designed to meet the needs of both the international and domestic student population. Also worth mentioning is that the early years division is Bilingual.

Location:  Roedelheim (Greater Frankfurt)
Curriculum: Cambridge IGCSE And IB

Japanische Internationale Schule Frankfurt

Location:  Hausen
Curriculum:  Japanese

Phorms – Bilingual German and English

Phorms has two campuses, one in the heart of the city and one out in Taunus.  The city campus accommodates kids ages 5-10.  After which, should they continue at Phorms, they will move to the campus in Taunus.

Location 1:  Nordend
Location 2:  Taunus
Curriculum:  German, International

Lycée Francais Victor Hugo

With an excellent and well-respected French curriculum, they also offer the option to incorporate aspects of the German curriculum.

Location: Praunheim
Curriculum:  French, German

Strothoff International School

A multilingual school which offers an excellent education in a friendly, motivating, concept-driven and inquiry-based learning environment.

Location:  Dreieich
Curriculum: IB (International Baccalaureate)

Additional Information

  • you can find a basic fee breakdown for many schools here
  • Again, please note that this list is not exhaustive
  • Also you may also like to read about finding a Paediatrician in Frankfurt