If you were to ask us for an example of what we think a language school should embody!? Absolutely our answer would be Speakeasy language school! Tell us, that one of the most important aspects to learning isn’t ‘turning up’! Couple turning up with having fun, chances are you gonna keep turning up and thus you are bound to learn something! Even if it’s only how to order a cocktail 😜
So, for a little insight into the goings on at Speakeasy and the philosophy they imbue take a read below as we ask them 11 questions. I mean I’m literally signing up as we speak…stay tuned there may be something exciting on the horizon!
1. Tell us about SpeakEasy and how it started?
A: Amy founded SpeakEasy in 2015. It had always been her dream to own her own language school being an absolute linguaphile herself. Why start a new language school when there are already so many out there? Because Amy has always wanted a ‘social language’ school – a place for people to meet, mingle, and truly explore all the benefits that come with speaking several languages.
2. What is the best way to get started with SpeakEasy and do you have a most popular course?
A: Drop by for a cup of coffee! We love showing people around the school to give them an idea of what we are about. We will assess your level and give you the option that fits your goals best. Our most popular courses are our morning intensive courses that enable you to do a half-level in just one month! For people with more time in the evening, we have classes that start at 6.30 or 8 p.m. that are highly sought-after by young professionals.
3. Why would you recommend SpeakEasy over another language school in Frankfurt?
A: We are ‘The Social Language School’. We know all our students personally and pay close attention to their needs. Many of our students stay at SpeakEasy after their class to do homework, hang out, meet other students, and of course get some extra practice in. Learning German here is – most importantly – meant to be fun and engaging!

4. How big are your classes and how are they structured?
A: We have between four and six students a class which allows for a much more personal approach from the teacher. Our students get in lots of speaking time and it means that even a group course can have the feel of a one-on-one class. In our group courses we use books tailored to adults learning German, but in a private lesson you can focus on your specific needs, be they job related or maybe just for a holiday.
5. What is your favourite German saying and how does it translate in English?
A: “Ich bin fuchsteufelswild!” It’s a bit old fashioned and means “I’m furious!”. It translates directly as, “I am fox devils wild,” which is just hilarious.
6. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be? Why?
A: We would love to do a cocktail tasting night (in German!) in collaboration with the fabulous Nighthawks. Jens and Sven who run it are brilliant and have been delivering cocktails all over the city since this pandemic began. Heroes!
7. What advice do you have for newcomers to Frankfurt and its surroundings?
A: Be patient. It’s a place that you fall in love with at second sight. But it’s worth waiting for that “click” moment.

8. What do you love about Frankfurt?
A: The fact that it’s a village disguised as a metropolis.
9. Where is your favourite place in Frankfurt?
A: It’s hard to pick just one! But, if you insist, the beer garden at Mosebach on Sandweg. A hidden gem!
10. What area in Frankfurt is your favourite and why?
A: Bornheim: It’s the village within the village. It’s hip, it’s cool, it has all the boutique and vintage stores you could want plus a cessation of Apple Wine houses and international cuisine. Also I live there, so perhaps I’m a tad biased.
11. Finally, “you’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?”
A: It would take our students on sightseeing tours through Frankfurt. If that doesn’t get you to start learning German, I don’t know what will!