Now, whilst one might be inclined to think, “Easter is Easter” anywhere you go. To some extent it is, but, each country and indeed city has particular traditions that play a significant role in celebrations. So, what exactly can you expect when celebrating Easter in Germany?
Typical Traditions for Easter in Germany
Bunte Eier, Painted eggs
The tradition of dyeing and hand-painting hard-boiled eggs in Germany dates back to the 4th century, with the oldest surviving decorated egg dating from that time. If you want to try your hand at egg painting, you can explore various kits that provide dyes, egg-friendly paints, and decorative, shrinkable egg wrappers. People use these painted eggs as decorations, gifts, or even in sandwiches! Additionally, these colourful eggs are often used in games, with egg tapping and rolling being popular favourites.
Good know:
If you are not a fan of painting, you will find plenty of colourful eggs in a supermarket near you!
Ostereierbaum, Easter Egg Tree
If you are under the impression that trees are only decorated at Christmas, you’d be wrong! In Germany, trees are just as worthy of decoration at Easter Time! German families often cook and dye boiled eggs, known as Bunte Eier or Osteier, before hanging them from the branches of trees. In fact, this has now become a popular tradition all across Europe.

The tradition of Easter Fires, predating Christian practices, finds its roots in the pagan ritual of lighting fires to welcome spring and dispel winter spirits. Today, these bonfires play a significant role in liturgical and Christian cultural celebrations, serving as a reminder of a rich historical heritage and the resilience of traditions. However, the timing of these fires varies by region. Some communities light them on Holy Saturday, while others do so on the evening of Easter Sunday or even on the morning of Easter Monday. Presently, Easter fires offer a cosy and communal experience, with families and friends gathering to enjoy the warmth of the flames and indulge in Easter treats.
If you’re eager to witness the magic of the Easter Fires firsthand this year, we’ve found two events in and around Frankfurt. These bonfires, steeped in history and tradition, promise to be a unique and unforgettable experience, offering a glimpse into the heart of Easter in Germany.
Wiesbadener Osterfeuer-Fest
When: Saturday, 30.03.2024 at 6 pm
Where: Schlachthof Wiesbaden, Murnaustraße 1, 65189 Wiesbaden
Price: Free Entry
Osterfeuer IG Riedberg
When: Saturday, 30.03.2024, 6 pm – 10:30 pm
Where: Alte Riedbergstrasse, next to the IG club grounds
The Easter Bunny
When I researched Easter Traditions for this article, I hadn’t considered why a rabbit was chosen to deliver the chocolate eggs to overly excited little humans. However, it has since become very clear. In short, Easter celebrates spring and new life, with eggs and flowers serving as obvious symbols of female fertility. However, if you’ve ever owned rabbits, especially a male and a female, you’ll understand where I’m going with this! It doesn’t take long before you fully appreciate the reproductive potential of soft-eared, fluffy creatures. Before you know it, you are inundated with more rabbits than you can count!
Grüne Soße on Gründonnerstag for Easter in Germany
Maundy Thursday is a Christian feast or holy day commemorating the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. In Germany, it is known as “Gründonnerstag” (Green Thursday). Although the name comes from the old German word “greinen” (to mourn), nowadays, it is far more literal: eat something green. Of course, that can mean only one thing in Hessen: Grüne Soße!
Osterbrot (Easter Bread)
Germans’ love for bread is no secret, so it comes as no surprise that Easter celebrations have their unique version, Osterbrot. However, unlike the typical dark variety of bread eaten year-round, this decorative and sweet bread is crafted from butter, milk, eggs, raisins, and candied peel. Often, bakers divide the dough into three and then braid it into either a loaf or shape it into a wreath.
Another delightful sweet treat baked during this festive time is the Easter Lamb Cake (Osterlammkuchen). This simple sponge cake takes the shape of a lamb, baked in a specially designed cake form. It serves as the centrepiece for the afternoon “coffee and cake” table.
If I’m honest, there’s a little too much baking involved. And for someone who can’t follow a recipe, this is an absolute disaster waiting to happen!
Terms and Phrases to know
Karwoche – Holy Week
Palmensonntag – Palm Sunday
Gründonnerstag – Maudy Thursday/Holy Thursday
Karfreitag – Good Friday
Karsamstag – Holy Saturday
Ostersonntag – Easter Sunday
Frohe Ostern – Happy Easter
So there you have it! If you are planning on celebrating Easter in Germany, these are some of the traditions you can expect to see and experience.