Recently I had the absolute pleasure to sit down and interview Alex von Trentini!
I set off from Frankfurt with time to spare and then some! But of course, road works and road closures play havoc with timing and next thing you know I’m running down Bahnhofstraße in heels like a complete lunatic! Breathing heavily, my heart pounding out of my chest and completely flustered I enter the Salon. However I am greeted by the widest grin from Andreas the salon manager, and immediately my heart rate begins to settle. Over the next few hours that same initial sense of warmth and openness resurfaces again and again regardless of the member of staff I am interacting with.
After arriving I am seated in reception and offered a welcome tea. Step 1 in a very well-thought-out customer experience. And this gives me just about enough time to compose myself before meeting the man of the hour!
First Impressions, Alex von Trentini
Alex von Trentini! Twice named best salon in Germany. His work has featured in Vogue, Gala and Cosmo to name but a few. He has a celebrity client list to make anyone swoon. And whilst you might expect to find an air of arrogance or pretentiousness about him there is absolutely none of this. Instead, he comes bounding around the corner with the broadest smile on his face. And immediately I get a sense of why he has achieved all that he has. He is relaxed, and down to earth but exceptionally self-assured and an absolute delight to interview. Over the next hour, I get to know a little more about the man behind the scissors.

So where exactly does a man of his success begin his journey?
In short, hairdressing runs through his veins (and his family’s). He’s from a hairdressing family he tells me! His father is a hairdresser and so too is his brother. He laughs as he goes on to say that focus wasn’t a big priority for him at school. And so with the encouragement of his father, he left school early to begin his apprenticeship and hairdresser training. A decision that would prove itself the right decision again and again.
Newly ‘unshackled’ he fully embraced life and all it had to offer. This is to say it took him a little time to realise and fully appreciate the incredible talent he had. However, a ‘close call’ in his final assessment at hair school gave him all the insight he needed. In short, his style created a very polarising opinion amongst his examiners. One called him brilliant the other terrible. The difference between success and failure is so subjective. Moreover, he realised that whilst he had scored an almost unheard-of full points for both women’s and men’s haircuts it could have gone either way. Talent he had in droves! Because let’s face it average is never polarising!
And from that moment on he seized each and every opportunity life gave him. Undoubtedly the initial seeds for Alex Von Trentini as we see him today were sown.

Tell us the story behind Alex von Trentini Salon?
After his graduation his talent did not go unnoticed and he was recruited to teach at his hair training college. He did this for a few years whilst simultaneously working to learn all aspects of what it takes to run a business and salon. Finally, at age 30 he decided it was time for the next step. Meaning it was time for him to run his own show! Serendipitous events led to finding a location and the lease being signed before the contract was even cold off the press.
Next, the location was completely gutted and in its place stood his vision! And in 2012 Alex Von Trentini the Salon opened its doors for the first time.
What and who inspires you?
No one thing or one person inspires Alex. Instead, he draws inspiration from everywhere and everything! From his travels, to nature, to the online world to the everyday things and people you see on the street. From the mundane to the exciting his mind is always assimilating always seeking and always open!
How would you best describe your work and creative process?
Classic, timeless with a modern twist.
Of course, as his catchphrase says “We see our clients all the same: very individually”. Meaning that he is not rigid in his approach. The client, their personality, their occupation the client as a whole need to be considered when creating a look. He further goes on to say that not all of his work is vogue covers and magazine spreads but rather ordinary people like you and me. People who need a style that makes them feel confident, gorgeous and most importantly that they can manage and maintain when they leave his chair!
How would you describe your Management Style?
Reflecting, he says that this has been a learning curve and an evolution. And one that has definitely not always been easy. However, after all the ups and downs and highs and lows it fundamentally comes down to one thing, TRUST. Everything is fostered through trust. As well as a willingness to allow his staff to thrive in an environment that strives for perfection but not at the expense of creativity or fear of failure.
All this is confirmed when I talk to members of his team. His team is an eclectic mix of personalities with one underlying commonality, the sheer love and enjoyment they get from working with ‘Alex von Trentini’. Moreover, the energy, drive and belief he embodies transmits to everything and everyone.
Furthermore, he has a core group, his inner circle, whom he trusts implicitly! Because with the celebrity status he has acquired comes exposure and more opportunity. And it is because of this inner circle that he is able to fully embrace and take advantage of all opportunities that come his way.

What’s the next challenge for Alex von Trentini?
As mentioned previously, the salon has twice been awarded Best Salon in Germany! And he’s hairstylist to the stars! What’s next?
It’s fair to say that in the past few years, his priorities have ‘broadened’. As the father to two young boys and another bundle on the way, family is a huge priority! And he doesn’t want to waste a minute.
Ever humble, his passion, along with hair is to continue to nurture and teach. In particular to help elevate those within his profession and those looking to break in. Keep your eyes peeled for more on this in the years to come.
And of course, there is the Cannes Film Festival, Berlin and Paris Fashion Week where he is amongst the sought-after hairstylists to keep him busy!
Can you talk a little about your partnership with Le Bal?
One is chosen to partner! And it is no small feat to be welcomed into the fold and be amongst le Bal’s most valued partners.
For those who haven’t heard of le Bal here’s a little insight. Once upon a time, the débutante ball was the ultimate event on any young ladies’ calendar. It was at this important event that young ladies were introduced into society. This tradition has long since disappeared. However, in 1994, Ophélie Renouard invented a modern version that she named “le Bal”. An incredibly prestigious event with its purpose is to raise money for Charities to help young women.
And so it is that all hair requirements for not only the final event but all the magazine cover shoots, press and events leading up to the final event lie on the shoulders of Alex Von Trentini and his team.
So in closing all I have to say is that Alex von Trentini along with his team are an absolute delight! And anyone looking for the ultimate hairdressing experience need only head into Wiesbaden to get it!